viernes, marzo 23, 2007

10 points to Skelletor!!!

That's the message Avdi sent me.
Avdeel altalef: I know him since I was a little girl. He lives now on Israel (his family is from there) but every day I receive a different e-mail of things that you can't ever imagine.
The recent one is about the super Villains: Skelletor, Mumm - Ra, Cobra Commander, Lex Luthor; they are late for work. Also some superheroes make their appearance.
Please, pay attention on Skelletor lines. Here is the link:

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

That was a good one!

lol, UNLOCK THE WINDOWS!!!. Check more of this at youtube, they have lots of Adult Swim - Robot Chicken episodes.

Robot chicken is one of my fav things to watch.

Anónimo dijo...

que buena se la echo Skelletor,
Jajajaja, que buena esa...

Duffboy dijo...

Me consta que Héctor es fan de Robot Chicken. Las ocurrencias de esos guionistas son buenísimas!

Analu dijo...

hector: gracias x la visita, estare chekando por más.

alex-ito: cada vez que lo miro me mato de la risa... saludos.

duffman: No se de donde se las ingenian, pero x mi que sigan. Kisses.

Byron Abadía dijo...

jijiii que bueno esta ese video!